Youthline Charity Ball
2020 Charity Ball
NRG are currently planning the next Charity Ball for early 2020, so keep an eye out for ways you can be involved - we are looking for more sponsors, so check out the packages available below.
Or if you'd like to help out in another way, e.g. donating prizes or volunteering, please get in touch with us.
Background - Youthline Charity Ball 2018
As an inaugural fundraising effort for our fledgling club, Next Rotary Generation North Shore (NRG) sought an opportunity to support an organisation with a focus on assisting youth. The issue of mental health, especially in young people, is ongoing and affects many communities. By supporting Youthline, NRG are pleased to be engaging with an established organisation that works with young people, their families and those supporting young people.
Youthline was created in 1970 to ensure young people know where to get help and can access support any time they need it. Youthline organisations are made up of volunteer and paid staff members - and have centres based across the country. Funding cutbacks over recent years have meant that only 12% of the funds required to run the ‘Hub’ or call centres are received from the Government.
Through proceeds raised, NRG will support Youthline to help upgrade their technology, attract more volunteer staff and enable them to meet their goal of having “every call, answered”, so no voice or issue goes unheard. Through the amazing support of those that attended the inaugural event, NRG raised $10,000 for Youthline, and presented a cheque to the CEO, Shae Roberts, and Events team Erica Mestrom and Joanna Barnett. So THANK YOU to all those that attended, donated or supported this event in any way - we couldn't have done this without you.
Sponsorship Opportunity:
We are seeking sponsors to donate funds to go towards the main costs – venue hire and catering to ensure that the majority of the proceeds collected from ticket sales and raffle auctions will go directly to Youthline.
So we are offering three different options for sponsorship:
Your company name appearing with the name of the ball (e.g. ‘Sponsor’ Charity Ball for Youthline). This will appear on all promotional material, advertising, tickets, social media posts, etc.
Your logo on all promotional material. 

Social media posts about your organisation (can be discussed)
Signage at the venue on the night of the ball.
Full page advert in the printed Commemorative Booklet (given to each attendee)
2x tickets to the ball.
$ 10,000
Your logo on all promotional material.
Social media posts about your organisation (can be discussed)
Signage at the venue on the night of the ball.
Half page advert in the printed Commemorative Booklet (given to each attendee)
2x tickets to the ball.
Social media posts about your organisation (can be discussed)
Signage at the venue on the night of the ball.
Half page advert in the printed Commemorative Booklet (given to each attendee)
Other Support
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any other thoughts, ideas, suggestions or know of anyone that might be interested in these opportunities.